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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: Singerei transformed into more comfortable locality through major state investment

18:25 | 01.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 1 /MOLDPRES/- Sângerei is being transformed into a more comfortable locality through major investments to improve urban infrastructure. Thanks to a new urban revitalization project financed by the state from the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL), the city of Singerei will soon benefit from new landscaped courtyards, pedestrian areas and waiting stations.

According to the local authorities, the project provides for the execution of reconstruction/landscaping works in the courtyards of residential blocks in Independence Street, no. 73 and no. 75, reconstruction of the pedestrian walkway and waiting stations on Alexandru Plămădeală - Nicolae Testemițanu street segment, development of the children's rest area and sports ground on Alexandru Plămădeală street, development of the children's rest area and pedestrian walkway on Vlad Ioviță street, etc.

"The total value of the project is about 16.7 million lei (835 thousand euros), of which about 15 million lei from the FNDRL sources and the rest - the contribution of the Singerei City Hall," the Regional Development Agency North said.

This is the second urban revitalization project implemented in Sângerei from FNDRL sources. 





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