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Moldovan president visits several localities in north of country

22:04 | 01.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 1 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu has paid a working visit to the north of the country, visiting several localities in Edinet district, the presidential press service has reported.

The head of state had a meeting with several mayors of the region, and discussed local development: "Our plan for Moldova means developed localities, it means developed Edinet. In the last two years, through the European Village program, 52 million lei have been allocated for 32 projects in 20 localities in the district".

The official also pointed out that two other projects worth 67 million lei are being financed from the Regional Development Fund to improve access to water in the towns of Edinet and Cupcini, and a 33 million lei project to build a multipurpose sports complex in the district center.

Maia Sandu also met with people of Gordineștii Noi at the multifunctional center, renovated by the European Village program.

"With investments of 4 million lei, today the center hosts the cultural hostel, the post office and a handicraft workshop. The local residents, through a survey, decided to submit this project for funding, demonstrating that even a town of 300 people can obtain funding and benefit from quality public services," the official said.

The president also discussed with residents of Hincăuți village, Edinet, where the Government has invested 10 million lei in the last two years through the European Village program. 






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