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Moldovan official journal roundup for today

19:48 | 02.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 2 /MOLDPRES/- The program for the promotion of green and circular economy in the Republic of Moldova for 2024-2028 was published today in the Official Journal. The document aims to stimulate the transition of enterprises to green practices.

According to the document, the program will facilitate the transition to a circular economy, where waste is transformed into raw materials and reintroduced into the economic circuit.

The initiative includes measures to: encourage investments in the green economy, stimulate innovation and start-ups towards green practices, more job opportunities in the green economy, optimize the consumption of natural resources, reduce environmental impact and carbon footprint.

This will support economic growth by promoting green conditions and practices, leading to an improved quality of life for citizens by ensuring a clean, sustainable and healthy environment. The program will also facilitate the transposition of the principles of the European Green Deal into all relevant policy documents.

Program costs are estimated at over 200 million lei, of which 100 million lei will be covered from the state budget and 100 million lei from other sources.





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