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Moldovan PM considers progress of rehabilitation of Culture House in Sărătenii Vechi

18:38 | 02.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 2 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean visited today the building of the House of Culture in the village of Sărătenii Vechi, Telenesti district, where the ceiling and roof of the building are being repaired thanks to the European Village Program. The government has allocated more than seven million lei for the project. 

According to the government's communication department, during the visit, the Prime Minister appreciated the cultural heritage of the locality, exhibited at the museum. The museum was founded in 2009 by former teacher Teodora Bîrsan. 

"Moldova is a country of talented people who make us proud all over the world. The government will continue to invest in culture, to develop villages and towns, to build Europe at home," Recean emphasized.

In total, the Government has invested more than 59 million lei in Telenesti district for carrying out 22 projects through the European Village Program. Another 20 projects with a total value of over nine million lei were implemented thanks to the European Village Express Program.






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