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Border Police official charged with conspiracy against Moldova gets 30 days in custody

19:38 | 02.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 2 /MOLDPRES/- The border police officer accused of conspiracy against Moldova was remanded in custody for 30 days today in order to continue the investigations.

The decision was handed down by the magistrates of the Chisinau District Court, Ciocana district, following a request filed by prosecutors.

Also today, it was ordered to remand in custody for 30 days the parliamentary official, accused of treason. The verdicts were pronounced in the absence of the detained defendants for health reasons.

Investigations are ongoing.

A Parliament official and a border guard were detained on Wednesday on suspicion of treason and conspiracy against the Republic of Moldova. Prosecutors established that they were communicating with an employee of an embassy in Chisinau to whom they were providing information "to be used against the interests of the Republic of Moldova".

Yesterday, an employee of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Chisinau was declared an inadmissible person on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "the decision of the Moldovan authorities was taken as a result of specific activities carried out, as a result of which information and evidence were obtained that the Russian diplomat was carrying out activities on the territory of the Republic of Moldova incompatible with diplomatic status".


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