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GOVERNMENT BUILDS // Orhei-Bravicea-Călărași road repair on finishing touches

12:57 | 03.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 3 /MOLDPRES/- Repair works on R21 Orhei-Bravicea-Călărași road, km 21.20-27.83, have reached stage of about 70%. So far, several works have been completed on this section of the road.

At the same time, sidewalk improvement works were 100% completed. 

Physical progress is about 70%. A total of 60 workers and 25 special machines are on site. "Once the repair works are completed, this road will ensure safe, comfortable and free-flowing road traffic for all road users, facilitating access and mobility for the residents of Ghetlova, Dâșcova, Vâprova, Hulboaca and Puțintei", the State Road Administration said.






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