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MP Iurie Păsat passed away this morning

13:16 | 05.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Aug 5 /MOLDPRES/- MP Iurie Păsat, deputy head of the Agriculture and Food Industry Commission died this morning. He died of an anaphylactic shock caused by wasp stings.

The announcement was made on the Action and Solidarity Party website.

"Iurie Păsat was a dedicated, hard-working colleague. Over the years, he dedicated himself to the community, including in his capacity as mayor of Balceana village. We express our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones and we are with them at this very difficult time," the statement added.

In an obituary published on the website of the legislature, it is said that Speaker Igor Grosu, MPs and officials convey sincere condolences to the bereaved family, relatives, friends and colleagues.

Iurie Păsat was born on August 9, 1972.


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