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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: Gheorghe Răducan Agro-Industrial College in Grinăuți modernized with state money

13:44 | 05.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug. 5 /MOLDPRES/- Construction of a modern building that will include the laboratories - Agricultural Mechanics, Maintenance and Repair of Agricultural Machinery, Welding and Forging is underway at the Agro-Industrial College Gheorghe Raducan in Grinăuti, Ocnita district.

The building is planned to be equipped with changing rooms and restrooms. 

The works are carried out under Livada Moldovei project implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.

300 students of the college will be able to benefit from study conditions in line with the national curriculum and European quality standards in education. The Laboratories will become a platform for collaboration and communication with economic agents from the region who will be involved in research and testing of innovations in horticulture.





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