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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Modern recreation area built in center of Crocmaz village

15:51 | 05.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 5 /MOLDPRES/- A recreation area has been built in the center of Crocmaz village, Stefan Voda district, which will be enjoyed by more than 2,600 residents of the village. The investment amounts to 3.3 million lei and was made through the European Village Program, first edition.

The recreation area is located in the center of the village, close to the House of Culture, the gymnasium and the kindergarten. The construction works started in October 2023 and took more than six months.

Mayor of the locality Ion Veleșco said that the area is a point of attraction not only for residents, but also for people of neighboring villages, who come here to spend their free time.

At the same time, the village of Crocmaz has also benefited from a project under the National Program European Village Express. As part of this project, a modern playground was built for more than 140 children attending Guguță kindergarten, including ten children with special needs. A sports hall was also set up on the premises of the kindergarten for the 35 employees, thus facilitating the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The total value of the two projects implemented in Crocmaz amounts to about 3 million 330 thousand lei. Of this amount, 3.3 million lei was allocated by the Government of the Republic of Moldova through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development, and more than 30 thousand lei represents the contribution of the local public administration.





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