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Soldiers of 20th National Army contingent deployed to KFOR completed mission in Kosovo

11:42 | 06.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 6 /MOLDPRES/- Soldiers of the 20th National Army contingent, deployed to the peacekeeping operation KFOR, have completed the mission in Kosovo. On this occasion, a festive ceremony was organized with the participation of the army leadership.

In his congratulatory message, Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatii praised the high professionalism of the Moldovan contingent.

At the event, a group of peacekeepers were awarded diplomas and medals of the National Army for their excellent performance during the mandate.

For six months, the 41 servicemen carried out missions of guarding and defense of strategically important infrastructure objectives, securing military objectives and patrolling the area of responsibility. For the first time, four female soldiers took part in this peacekeeping mission.






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