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Moldovan firefighters attend practical training in Greece

11:43 | 06.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 6 /MOLDPRES/- Forest firefighting team of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (GIGSU) deployed to the Hellenic Republic continues its mission. Twenty Moldovan firefighters are engaged daily in patrolling Nea Makri region.

According to the IGSU, the activity is carried out jointly with Greek colleagues and is aimed at preventing and ensuring a rapid response in case of outbreaks of forest and vegetation fires.

On August 5, firefighters from the Republic of Moldova participated in a practical exercise, during which Greek liaison officers organized applications in the forest firefighting.

The IGSU team, deployed to the Hellenic Republic, is participating in the pre-positioning mission under the European Prepositioning Programme of Forest Firefighting in the Hellenic Republic, Nea Makri region, organized under the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism.




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