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Diaspora Days 2024: National Library hosts exhibition - Bessarabian authors in world

12:24 | 06.08.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, Aug 6 /MOLDPRES/- The National Library of the Republic of Moldova is hosting an exhibition - Bessarabian authors in the world, organized in the context of Diaspora Days, marked on August 17 - 18, 2024.

The exhibition is organized thematically and includes about 100 documents.

The National Library noted "the work of migrant authors has a considerable social, cultural and political impact, contributing to the deepening of bilateral relations between countries, better mutual cultural knowledge, development of cooperation between publishers and creative associations: writers, fine artists, journalists".

The exhibition will be open for one month, until September 6, at the BNRM.

Diaspora Days are organized annually in August by the government of the Republic of Moldova.


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