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CNA officers to work with Ukrainian ones in identifying assets derived from corruption

12:24 | 06.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 6 aug /MOLDPRES/- Director of the National Anticorruption Center (CNA) of the Republic of Moldova Alexandr Pinzari and deputy head of Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) of Ukraine Grigol Katamadze have signed a memorandum of partnership and cooperation in identifying, tracking and managing criminal assets.

Alexandr Pinzari was convinced that the CNA will build a fruitful interinstitutional cooperation for identifying and managing criminal assets.

Grigol Katamadze expressed willingness to continue and fortify cooperation between the agencies partially achieved through channels of international interaction.

Under the document, the cooperation will focus on two main types of activities, namely the organization of seminars, including remotely between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and the organization of specialized forums.

The memorandum has entered into force upon signing and will be valid indefinitely.




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