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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Photovoltaic park built in Cârnățeni

15:11 | 06.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug. 6 /MOLDPRES/- A modern photovoltaic park was built in the village of Cârnățeni, Căușeni district, on a 1.6 hectare plot of land. The project was included in the European Village Program and included the installation of 660 photovoltaic panels with a total capacity of 300 kilowatts per hour.

Work began in 2023, and the park was put into operation in June 2024. So far, the 660 photovoltaic panels have produced over 84,000 kWh of electricity.

The total value of the investment in this project amounts to almost six million lei, of which five million were offered by the Government of the Republic of Moldova, through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development, and almost 870 thousand lei represent the locality's contribution.

Mayor of the town Oleg Savca said that the idea to build a photovoltaic park appeared in 2022, in the context of the energy crisis caused by the war waged by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. He says he was also motivated by the fact that dozens of households in the country were disconnected from power when the energy infrastructure of the neighboring state was bombed.

The European Village program was launched at the initiative of head of state Maia Sandu and includes local development projects, such as water supply and sewage, renovation and thermal insulation of public buildings, construction of sports and playgrounds, modernization of tourist attractions, creation of rest areas and leisure in localities.






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