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MPs passed 230 normative acts during spring session

11:51 | 07.08.2024 Category: Political

Chișinău, Aug 7 /MOLDPRES/- During the spring session, MPs convened in 20 meetings, one of which lasted two days.

According to the parliament's communication and public relations department, the deputies passed 230 normative acts. 158 were laws and 72 were decisions. Nineteen laws were passed to adjust national legislation to European Union.

According to the speaker's resolution, 31 normative acts were examined as a priority, and one document - urgently.

During the spring session 2024, the parliament passed two codes: the Land Code and the Forestry Code. The MPs approved 150 draft laws in the first reading.

Parliament also held an extraordinary session. Three laws and one decision were passed there. Additionally, on July 29, deputies convened in a special session. A solemn meeting was organized to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

Under the legislation, the Parliament convenes in two regular sessions per year. The spring session begins in February and cannot exceed the end of July.


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