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Around 150 thousand families to benefit from vouchers for household appliances, LED bulbs

14:11 | 09.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- About 150 thousand vulnerable families across the country will benefit from vouchers to replace their old household appliances with new energy-efficient ones over the next three years. The rules of the Home Appliances Voucher Program were published in the Official Journal today.

The vouchers will cover up to 70% of the cost of household appliances. 

The selected beneficiaries will be informed about the availability of vouchers through the personal cabinet on the platform, by SMS messages or e-mail.

The appliance voucher program will be financed from the state budget through the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund or from grants, donations and other sources of external assistance.

Last year, Rabla for household appliances programme was launched in our country. So far, more than 39 thousand vouchers have been used to replace old light bulbs and household appliances with new energy-efficient ones.

A total of 7,246 large household appliances (3,819 fridges, 3,391 washing machines, 36 stoves) and 303,336 LED light bulbs have been purchased by vulnerable families with the vouchers. In addition, 7,246 old and used appliances were sent for recycling through the program.

According to estimates, a family can save about 1,618 lei a year on electricity bill just by replacing incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving LED bulbs. 


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