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Improving Education Quality // 200 schools in Moldova to be provided with equipment, furniture, teaching materials

14:40 | 09.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- A number of 200 general education institutions in the country will benefit from equipment, furniture and teaching materials under the Improving Education Quality project. The list of beneficiary schools has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Research.

Among the equipment to be purchased are computers, interactive whiteboards, equipment for science laboratories.

The budget for one institution is about $11,400 and the total amount of the project is $2,280,000. The equipment for the institutions is financed by the World Bank, thanks to an agreement between Moldova and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

408 general education institutions took part in the competition. The beneficiary schools were selected on the basis of several criteria, with priority given to those with a higher number of at-risk pupils, pupils with special educational needs, refugee pupils and schools that have not benefited from facilities in the last five years.

Under the same project, 200 kindergartens in the country will be provided with equipment, furniture and didactic-methodical materials. The total amount of the goods is 1,336,800 dollars. The list of beneficiaries was announced yesterday by the MEC.



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