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This year's apple harvest estimated at around 450 thousand tons

17:11 | 09.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- This year's apple harvest is estimated at about 450 thousand tons. Thus, apple producers in our country will harvest about 14% less fruit this season than in 2023, according to forecasts of the Moldova Fruct Association. Export quantities will remain at last year's level.

The drop in overall production is due to drought, reduction of apple tree areas caused by deforestation and unfavorable weather conditions and limited access to irrigation, the Moldova Fruct Association pointed out.

The apple harvest forecast was developed based on surveys conducted among Moldova Fruct members, information provided by regional specialists and data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, as well as the Agricultural Directorates of Briceni, Soroca and Edinet districts.

The biggest decrease is recorded by Poland, which, due to spring frosts, lost up to 19.6% of apple harvest.

From the harvest of the 2023-2024 season, Moldovan producers exported about 133 thousand tons of apples. They reached more than 30 countries of the world. The volume of exports increased compared to the 2022 - 2023 season, when 124 thousand tons were sold on foreign markets. Exports to the EU practically doubled to 22 thousand tons, the main destination is Romania, with a share of 90%.




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