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Travel alert to Greece: MAE comes up with recommendations for Moldovans going there on vacation

21:59 | 12.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, August 12 /MOLDPRES/- Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in the Hellenic Republic informs Moldovan citizens who are in, transiting or intending to travel to Greece about the wildfires in the area of ​​Attica, Marathon, Kallitechnoupoli and Grammatikos.

In this context, the MAE recommends citizens of the Republic of Moldova to check the weather conditions and the official warnings issued by the authorities, before planning the trip to exercise caution in the affected areas; to monitor the local mass media and to announce their presence in the risk areas by contacting the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Moldova in Greece to ensure that they have sufficient resources of fuel, water, food and keep the mobile means of communication in working condition.

The MAE urged citizens to follow the instructions of local authorities and representatives of hotel establishments in case of telephone alerts regarding the outbreak of fires in the area where they are located.


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