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Discover Moldova with #MOLDPRES: BelEU Fest - pearl in south of country uniting nature, tourism, culture, diversity, European spirit

19:06 | 13.08.2024 Category: Tourist Moldova

On August 10, in Slobozia Mare, Cahul region, on the shores of Lake Beleu, in the heart of the biosphere reserve Lower Prut, the 3rd edition of BelEU Fest took place under the motto United in Diversity.

The event promotes local traditions, European values and cultural diversity. At the BelEU Fest, topics such as environmental protection, sustainability and the development of local tourism were discussed, and anyone who wanted to take part in the discussions was welcome to do so, as the event is free of charge for everyone.

This year's event was also attended by Speaker Igor Grosu.

"Moldovans are true Europeans"

Igor Grosu: At the BelEU Fest I was convinced once again that Moldovans are true Europeans, because as different as we all are, we know how to unite, to celebrate our culture, dance, music.

Since establishment, BelEU Fest has been a welcoming host for various themed exhibitions, including a painting exhibition and one dedicated to European investments. In the evening there is usually a concert of popular and modern music performed by well-known artists.

Igor Grosu: At the local craftsmen's fair I met talented people who carry on local traditions and keep them alive. I also met residents of Andrușul de Sus - Mrs. Liliana Miron, who after 16 years abroad, returned home and now runs a lavender growing business. 

Igor Grosu: This festival also reminds us of the enormous tourist potential of our country, which attracts through its nature, gastronomy and hospitality. We need to develop our localities so that they can be discovered and become attractive to tourists.

Slobozia Mare - local development and international tourist destination

Igor Grosu: Slobozia Mare is such an example of local development. The access road to Lake Beleu has been renovated with the help of the European Union. The European Village and European Village Express programs have renovated the nursery, Mihai Eminescu High School and the Peace Square Memorial, and soon, through the 2024 edition of the European Village, the street lighting network will be extended and modernized. Gradually, we will develop the potential of our localities and make them European.

BelEU Fest is a beautiful opportunity to discover the history of the Moldovan village, enjoy traditional dishes and spend time with family and friends.

The BelEU Fest is organized by Institutum Virtutes Civilis public association and Slobozia Mare city hall, funded by Soros Moldova Foundation, co-financed by the USAID, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Cahul District Council.


Reporter- Lilia Grubîi











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