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Moldova marks Diaspora Days

11:19 | 14.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 14 /MOLDPRES/- In the coming days, several events will be organized in the Republic of Moldova dedicated to the citizens of our country living abroad, who traditionally return home in August. They will be able to participate in See You at Home Festival, Diaspora Business Forum and Diaspora Youth Forum. The agenda of the events dedicated to Diaspora Days 2024 was presented today by Government State Secretary Ana Calinici.

"August is the month of reunions. We are very happy when diaspora citizens manage to return home and be with their loved ones. Also this year, traditionally, we meet at the Diaspora Days where we will discuss the country's European path, the state support programs for those who want to return, invest, carry out cultural activities. We will discuss how to develop our communities", said Ana Calinici.

The events will kick off with the DOR Program Diaspora*Origin*Return, which will run from August 14 to 23. Around 100 young people from abroad and within the country are taking part. The program brings together young people from Belgium, Canada, USA, Ireland, UK and other countries. The young people will spend 10 days at Holercani Pension and will learn more about the culture and traditions of our country. All expenses will be covered from the state budget.

On 16 August, Open Doors Day will be organized at the Government of the Republic of Moldova, ministries and subordinate institutions. Members of the diaspora will meet with officials, get answers to questions they wish to ask officials, discuss our country's European path.

"On August 16, we are organizing a round table to discuss the collaboration between the Government and the diaspora on attracting expertise in the framework of the diaspora engagement platform. The experience of citizens abroad is valuable for us and the role of this discussion is to make sure that we have all the tools at our disposal to make it possible and convenient for everyone to attract expertise", said Ana Calinici.

On the same day, all young people who have returned home are invited to participate in the third edition of the Diaspora Youth Forum organized by the League of Students of Moldova. "Together with our young people we will talk about how to build the European future of our country. We are counting on their innovative ideas and willingness to get involved", the official said.

"Dear diaspora citizens! See you back home! This is the exhortation to all those who want to come back, longing for our country, longing for our traditions and want to contribute to a better future of our country. This is also the name of the Festival on August 17 which will take place at Digital Park. Head of State Maia Sandu, Speaker Igor Grosu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean will be present at the talks and will answer questions from all those present. At the event we will emphasize our traditions, our culture, that's why we will have local producers, craftsmen present at the Festival," said Ana Calinici.

On August 18, all those who want to learn more about the business environment in the Republic of Moldova or those who plan to open a business in our country are expected at the Diaspora Business Forum. "There you will learn more information about how the state supports through various programs investments at home, opening businesses. You will learn about success stories where the diaspora returned and was able to open businesses and stay at home, build a prosperous future and contribute to the economic development of the state," the official said.

"Dear citizens, we want to get to know each other better, to celebrate our unity, strong bond and culture at Diaspora Days. We are looking forward to welcoming you all to the events we organize and we hope that you will get satisfaction from them and remember the things you miss", Ana Calinici concluded.





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