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Candidates for member of Board of Directors of Moldovagaz presented company's development visions

19:58 | 14.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, August 14 /MOLDPRES/- Candidates proposed by the Competition Commission of the Ministry of Energy for the position of member of the Board of Directors of Moldovagaz company presented their vision on the development of the largest enterprise in the country.

The candidates presented their professional experience at a press club, argued the proposals regarding the development of the natural gas market, as well as the development visions of Moldovagaz.

Present at the event, Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov reiterated that by selecting the members of the Board of Directors through an open competition, the strengthening of corporate governance and the quality of management in the gas sector is promoted, in accordance with the international commitments of the Republic of Moldova in the process of European integration, as well as in line with the obligations assumed in relation to international partners.

Previously, Parlicov urged journalists and civil society representatives to thoroughly collect facts and inform public opinion about the professional activity of the candidates, proposed for four positions as members of the Board of Directors of Moldovagaz.

The competition was launched in June. After the completion of the open competition, the Commission nominated as winner Dorin Junghietu, who picked up the highest score.

Also, according to the results of the competition, for the other three positions of members of the Board of Directors, the Commission decided to submit six more candidates to the Minister. They are Roman Stavila, Vadim Ceban, Constantin Vozian, Eduard Calancea, Radu Mandraburca and Doina Vozian.

The Board of Directors of Moldovagaz company is the collegial executive body, consisting of nine members appointed at the proposal of the main shareholders, for a term of three years.



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