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CEC: 11 broadcasters to be able to place political advertising in autumn elections

19:40 | 14.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, August 14 /MOLDPRES/- Central Electoral Commission /CEC/ found it admissible to broadcast political, pre-electoral and electoral advertising on fixed or mobile advertising devices, based on declarations of intent and information on the conditions for offering advertising space to initiative groups, referendum participants and electoral candidates in the referendum and presidential election of October 20, 2024 submitted by 11 advertising broadcasters.

Thus, the following broadcasters/distributors of advertising, owners or managers of fixed or mobile advertising devices will be able to broadcast advertising: S.R.L. STANDART, "INDEPENDENT MEDIA" S.R.L., AQUARELLE S.R.L., CASSIDAS S.R.L., ORTO-PANMED S.R.L., S.R.L. Unlogo, B.M. Public S.R.L., S.C. "LINESCO" S.R.L., Click-COM S.R.L. and TRENDSETER S.R.L. and Epamedia S.R.L.

The broadcasters are obliged to submit to the CEC, during the electoral period, weekly the information on the income obtained from the political/pre-electoral/electoral advertising of each political party/electoral bloc/electoral candidate participating in the referendum.

Also, the CEC set up the ceiling of financial means that can be transferred to the Electoral Fund account and the amount of interest-free loans for the October 20 elections. Thus, the general ceiling of the financial means that can be transferred to the Electoral Fund account and used by the electoral candidates and by the participants in the republican constitutional referendum is 65,830,540.00 lei. Electoral candidates in the presidential elections can also apply for an interest-free loan in the amount of 50,000.00 lei.


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