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CCI launches Digital Transformation Academy

20:46 | 15.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug. 15 /MOLDPRES/- Around 30 local entrepreneurs and Ukrainian refugees are participating in training and mentoring sessions on 14 August - 13 September within the Digital Transformation Academy, launched by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of the Republic of Moldova.

The program aims to provide skills and knowledge to effectively navigate the digital environment, build a robust online presence and use technology to achieve business goals.

"The Digital Transformation Academy is a complex program, where we aim to train around 30 entrepreneurs, who will gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills to implement innovative digital solutions tailored to the needs of the businesses they are working in," CCI President Sergiu Harea said at the launch of the program.

More than 30 people are participating in the program, including ten Ukrainian refugee entrepreneurs who have launched their businesses in the Republic of Moldova, start-up entrepreneurs - founders of new businesses who want to build a solid digital foundation, managers from businesses that employ Ukrainian refugees and want to modernize their existing digital strategies and increase their online presence.

In addition to the training sessions, with the support of development partners, the project will also offer a grant program for the digital transformation of businesses. The project also supports the CCI of Moldova in upgrading existing digital platforms, modernizing the website and enhancing the security of information systems.









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