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Nomination period for presidential candidates to begin on 21 August

15:28 | 15.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, August 15 /MOLDPRES/- Central Electoral Commission /CEC/ announced today the special conditions to be able to run for President of the Republic of Moldova.

According to the electoral legislation, a citizen of the Republic of Moldova with the right to vote can be elected to the position of President of the Republic of Moldova who: is 40 years old on the day of the elections; has lived or lives permanently in the Republic of Moldova for no less than 10 years; knows the Romanian language; has higher education, graduated with a bachelor's degree or equivalent; is not or has been convicted by a final court decision; does not have an outstanding criminal record for crimes committed with intent; is not deprived of the right to hold positions of responsibility by final court decision.

The right to nominate candidates for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova belongs to the political parties registered until the date of entry into force of the act regarding the establishment of the date of the presidential elections, the electoral blocs established and registered under the conditions of the Electoral Code and the citizens of the Republic of Moldova who put forward their own candidacy.

The nomination of presidential candidates is made starting 60 days before the date of the elections. For this year's elections, the nomination period for presidential candidates will begin on 21 August.


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