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Moldovan president attends Teachers Forum today

21:04 | 15.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug. 15 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu participated today in Teachers Forum of universities and pedagogical colleges. During the event, the head of state emphasized that Moldova needs well-trained teachers in all educational institutions in the country, the presidential press service has reported.

"We want to have strong universities in Moldova. Universities are not only centers of learning, but also incubators of social change," the president said.

Over the last three years, our universities and colleges, including those with a pedagogical profile, have benefited from 700 million lei in funding under the Higher Education in Moldova project, financially supported by the World Bank. This is the biggest investment in the last 30 years. This year, 34 million lei has been allocated to double scholarships for students in pedagogical specialties.

"We will continue at the same pace. Young Moldovans deserve to get competitive higher education here at home, and teachers - to have the same possibilities and opportunities as any professor in European universities," Maia Sandu said.




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