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Energy Minister: Moldova will never be in situation of 2022, now we can even bring gas from USA or Qatar

11:19 | 16.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 16 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova will never again be in the situation of 2022, now we can bring gas even from the USA or Qatar. Energy Minister Victor Parlicov made the statement during a visit to Anenii Noi district.

The minister explained the significance of the early alert state in the natural gas sector and the risks that the Ministry of Energy has prepared for in connection with the fighting near Sudjha gas measuring and compression station in Kursk region.

According to Victor Parlicov, the winter plan of the Ministry of Energy envisages two scenarios, one of which is Gazprom's refusal to deliver gas to the Transnistrian region by alternative routes after the expiration of the transit contract through Ukraine on January 1, 2025. This would lead to a collapse of the Transnistrian region and, probably, a wave of internal refugees on the right bank.

"It is precisely this scenario, which we are prepared for, that could happen in the event of an incident at Sudjha station. Gazprom has the technical capacity to bring gas through the Trans-Balkan pipeline, and if it refuses to do it, Energocom can do it, but someone has to pay for the gas and transportation," Victor Parlicov said.

The minister emphasized that Moldova no longer depends on the contract with Gazprom for the supply of the right bank. According to him, in 2023 alone, consumers paid 60 million dollars less for gas procured on European markets than they would have paid if they had procured it from Gazprom.

"The war in Ukraine affected several countries in Europe, but us more significantly. In terms of energy security, we have made a huge leap and today we live in a different world. In fact, we are being set an example and we should be proud of our achievements. We will never be able to be blackmailed, as we were until 2022, because we can at least bring gas from the US or Qatar," said Parlicov.

The official also spoke about the draft amendment to the law on promotion of renewable energy sources, which was approved by the Parliament in the final reading and brings a number of benefits to green energy producers. It is about facilitating the functioning of local energy communities that electricity produced in one location will be able to be consumed by members of the community at several consumption sites.





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