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Small producers to be able to benefit from grants of up to 500,000 lei

12:12 | 16.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 16 /MOLDPRES/- Moldovan enterprises will be able to receive grants of up to 500 thousand lei. This is stipulated in the Small Producers' Support Program, which was published today in the Official Journal.

The support will be accessible to enterprises with an annual turnover of up to 5 million lei and up to nine employees. The non-reimbursable financing will be up to 70% of the value of the investment project, but not more than 500 thousand lei. The beneficiary's contribution will be at least 30% of the project amount.

The entrepreneurs will be able to use the grants to purchase machinery and equipment, raw materials and construction materials necessary for equipping and furnishing the production space, franchising, digitalization solutions and business development services. In addition to the funding component, the program also provides information, promotion, monitoring and evaluation activities.

Small producers who have been active for at least 12 months can participate in the program. Also eligible are individuals who are just planning to set up a business, if they can demonstrate activity for the last year and register as an entrepreneurial entity within one month of the date of project approval.

With an estimated budget of 20 million lei annually, the program is to be launched in the third quarter of this year and will be implemented for 36 months.


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