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Number of small and medium-sized enterprises continuously increasing - Moldovan deputy premier says

20:12 | 16.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chişinău, August 16 /MOLDPRES/- The number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Moldova is steadily increasing, rising from 59,800 in 2021 to 63,300 in 2023, representing more than 1,000 new businesses each year.

"Small and medium-sized enterprises are a crucial pillar of our economy. Firstly, they create jobs here at home. These are people who haven’t left the country but continue to develop their communities. Today, SMEs account for about 65% of the workforce in national enterprises, meaning that 6 out of 10 jobs in Moldova are generated by SMEs," Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization Dumitru Alaiba said.

In 2023, most SMEs operated in the trade sector, with a total of 20,900 enterprises. The agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector had 5,700 enterprises, the manufacturing industry 5,000, and the professional, scientific, and technical activities sector 5,800.


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