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Diaspora Days held across dozens of localities in Moldova

20:06 | 16.08.2024 Category: Social

Chişinău, August 16 /MOLDPRES/- Diaspora Days, traditionally organized in Moldova every August are being celebrated in dozens of localities across the country with various activities, including festivals, concerts, excursions.

The Alliance of Native Associations of Moldova announced today the launch of the Diaspora Days at the local level, featuring a full calendar of unique activities throughout August, organized in localities across the country.

Festivals, concerts, excursions are activities designed to encourage returning natives to rediscover their places of origin and their potential. Additionally, meetings and discussion workshops will be organized, providing opportunities for returning natives to discuss with locals and institutional leaders about local development.

Over 55 localities are calling on natives to come home to contribute to local development in a productive yet enjoyable atmosphere.

The National Tourism Office noted that Moldovan localities have exceptional tourism potential, and by organizing such events in communities, the diaspora returns and rediscovers the local tourism offer.

The government has launched activities dedicated to Diaspora Days this week. Thus, citizens returning from the diaspora are invited to participate in a series of events until August 23. Participants will discuss the country's European path, government programs available to those wishing to return home, as well as the diaspora’s contribution to community development and investment opportunities.


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