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See You at Home Festival starts today in Chisinau

18:34 | 17.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 17 /MOLDPRES/- See You at Home festival will take place today in Chisinau. The event will present success stories of Moldovans of the diaspora. It is organized by the Diaspora Relations Office under the aegis of the Government of the Republic of Moldova.

Participants will have the opportunity to visit information stands, where public institutions, diaspora associations and development partners will provide details about the programs available for compatriots living abroad. They will also interact with President Maia Sandu, Speaker Igor Grosu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean, who will participate in panel discussions.

At the same time, the fair of local craftsmen and producers will give visitors the opportunity to discover and purchase authentic products.

On August 18, all those who want to learn more about the business environment in the Republic of Moldova or those who intend to open a business in our country are expected at the Diaspora Business Forum.






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