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Moldovan Prime Minister in Comrat on 235th anniversary of city

14:24 | 18.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 17 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean attended Comrat Day - an event organized on the occasion of the 235th anniversary of the first attestation of the city. He discussed with local producers, folk craftsmen and people who came to celebrate the history of the municipality and local traditions, the government's communication department has reported.

The premier spoke about the importance of modernization of Moldovan localities, mentioning the infrastructure projects already carried out in Comrat with the support of the government. According Recean, the city ring road has been built from scratch, several educational institutions have been repaired and made more energy efficient, and the water supply network will be extended this year under the European Village program.

"Our children should live in a developed, peaceful and prosperous country. Government has carried out important infrastructure projects in Comrat. We will continue to invest in projects that improve people's lives. I am glad to see people in Comrat who are committed to a modern and European Moldova", he said.

The program of events for 17 August includes an exhibition and handicrafts fair, a concert with the performance of folklore groups and entertainment for children. 






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