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WE BRING EUROPE HOME: Soroca - Arionești - Otaci road becomes European road step by step

13:25 | 19.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 19 August /MOLDPRES/ m- The works on the rehabilitation of the Soroca-Arionesti-Otaci national road are in full swing.   

The repair of this road, regarded as one of the most deteriorated in Moldova, is held in two stages. Under the project, the works underway include the rehabilitation of the Road R14, R6 – Codru Nou –Soroca-Unguri – border with Ukraine, with an overall length of 31 km, and the rehabilitation of the road R8.1: R8 – Arionesti – A14, segment Arionesti-Otaci, with a length of 9.4 km. The works are carried out in phases on both segments, with six road segments in all on R14 and four segments on R8.1     

„This road, expected for several years, will improve not only the living of the people from the transit settlements Grigorauca, Sobari, Niorcani, Pocrovca, but also of all those going to the Otaci border crossing point. There are at least 15 education institutions and medical points where people will be able to get quicker and more safely, by moving on a good, European road,’’ Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu said.     

The works started in last autumn. The deadline for the finishing the works, envisaged for the R14 road, is June 2026 and for the R8.1 segment – October 2025. This strategic project contributes to the development and improvement of the road network in Moldova’s northern region and will facilitate the easing of the traffic from the Otaci customs on the road R8 and R14, thus enhancing the accessibility and improving the conditions of transport for the local communities and rural areas. According to the local authorities, this road is of major importance for the districts from north Moldova, especially for the districts of Ocnita, Donduseni, Drochia and Soroca.      

The value of the woks stands at 44 million euros, with the money provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.   





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