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Moldovan president has meeting with ministers for defence, civil defence of Sweden

15:01 | 20.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 20 August /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today met Minister for Defence of Sweden Pål Jonson and Minister for Civil Defence of this country Carl-Oskar Bohlin, on a working visit to Chisinau. The visit by the ministers of defence from Sweden is a first-ever event for Moldova and confirms the deepening of the bilateral relations between Moldova and Sweden, the presidential press service has reported.

At the meeting, the head of state referred to the challenges faced by Moldova and emphasized the importance of consolidating the country’s resilience, amid Russia’s aggression war in Ukraine. At the same time, Maia Sandu expressed the Moldovan authorities’ wish to extend the cooperation with Sweden in the security and defence sector.    

Also, the Moldovan president thanked the Swedish authorities for the support provided in the European integration way, as well as for the financial support provided for more development projects on the country’s modernization.






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