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Cultural diversity marked in Comrat at holiday of ethnic minorities, My Love is Moldova

18:33 | 20.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 20 August /MOLDPRES/ - The cultural wealth of Moldova has been celebrated in the Comrat municipality at the holiday of ethnic minorities titled, My Love is Moldova. The event brought together the traditions and rhythms of the ethnic communities, promoting the friendship and the inter-cultural dialogue.        

Artists and bands of ethnic groups brought to stages folk dances and traditional music, accompanied by joy and much goodwill in a show which reflects the ethnic diversity of Moldova. About 200 artists of Moldova and from abroad participated in the event, organized by the Interethnic Relations Agency and the city hall and community centre from Comrat.       

The event was held within the programnme, Consolidation of the interethnic relations in Moldova in the context of the European integration – CRIn, created and implemented by the Interethnic Relations Agency along with ethno-cultural organizations, with the support of Moldova’s government and the local public authorities.     

Attending the event, Moldovan MP, secretary of the commission for culture, education, research, youth, sport and mass media Marcela Adam stressed the importance of the CRIn Programme, through which the cultural diversity, cohesion, cooperation and the multi-ethnic dialogue is celebrated. ‘’This is a nice occasion for us to consolidate the interethnic dialogue and promote the peace in Moldova, which has a safe future in the European Union,’’ Marcela Adam said.    

The CRIn Programme provides for the organization and holding of information, cultural and artistic events, the goal of which is to promote the intercultural dialogue under the aegis of the European Union’s official motto – Unity in Diversity.   






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