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Moldovan electoral body says candidates for office of Moldova's president can be registered in electoral race as of 21 August

16:34 | 20.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 20 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has informed that the period of the nomination and registration of candidates for the office of Moldova’s president, as well as of asking for the registration as participant in the republican constitutional referendum, due on 20 October, would start on 21 August 2024.  

According to the CEC members, the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president will compulsorily set up an initiative group. For the group’s registration, the set of documents provided for in the point 28 of the Regulation on the creation and registration of initiative groups, compilation, submission and verification of the subscription lists will be submitted to CEC 50 days before the day of elections at the latest. CEC will analyze the documents submitted on a period of three days and will adopt a decision to this end.   

The deadline for the submission of the documents for the registration of the initiative groups is 31 August.

The procedure of registration of candidates for the position of Moldova’s president will unfold concomitantly. The initiative groups are to collect signatures for the support of the candidates. The subscription lists must contain at least 15,000 and 25,000 signatures at the most for backing the candidates. The signatures should be collected from at least a half of all second-level administrative and territorial units from Moldova. The second-level administrative and territorial units of Moldova in which at least 600 signatures were collected will be regarded as conforming.       

The subscription lists with the signatures collected and the set of acts provided for by the Regulation on the peculiarities of nomination and registration of candidates for the office of Moldova’s president will be submitted to CEC for consideration till 20 September.   

Also on 21 August, the political parties and the electoral blocs can ask CEC for their registration as participant in the referendum. The deadline for the submission of applications is 20 September.   



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