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Moldovan president, culture minister approach public cultural policies

13:36 | 21.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 21 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu talked to Culture Minister Sergiu Prodan about the government's actions to place culture at the center of public policies. Thus, in recent years, the budget allocated for culture has increased from 470 million lei in 2021 to 677 million lei in 2024, the presidential press service has reported.

The National Fund of Culture was also created, which this year has a budget of about 30 million lei, money earmarked to finance cultural projects across the country. Thirty houses of culture in the districts have been renovated and the salaries of professionals in theater-concert institutions have been increased by 25%.

"In 2024, young librarians, museographers and artists, who will go after graduation to work in cultural institutions in the country, will receive a one-off increased allowance of 90 thousand lei and 120 thousand lei, respectively, depending on the level of education. Young people who have turned 18 will enjoy the benefits of the Cultural Voucher program, through which they will receive 1000 lei to buy books, theater or concert tickets", Maia Sandu underlined.

The head of state also noted that the national program for the development of creative industries ,Creative Moldova, adopted in 2024, has great potential both for the economy and for our integration into the European cultural circuit.

"Culture must become a good accessible to everyone, in every locality, and we will continue to support ideas and projects with vision and impact. I hope to see as many theater and cinema premieres and cultural events as possible throughout the country," said Maia Sandu.


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