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Government approved list of 612 projects selected under European Village Program 2024

13:01 | 21.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, August 21 /MOLDPRES/-  612 projects selected within the European Village Program 2024 were included in the single program document for 2022-2024. Later, the National Office for Regional and Local Development will start signing financing contracts, the government's communication department has reported.

"The government is building well-being here, at home, and we will continue to increase this effort, including when we can also access the pre-accession funds to the European Union. This is what we have to focus on", said Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

Most projects - 223 envisage the construction or expansion of water supply networks and sewage services. Another 128 projects aim at the renovation and energy efficiency of public buildings, 57 - installation of public lighting and 30 - installation of energy production systems from renewable sources.

Also, 104 construction or rehabilitation projects for the provision of social or medical services will be carried out, and specific historical monuments and structures for rural architecture will be restored - 70 projects. The projects will be carried out throughout the country, to ensure a balanced development of the regions.

The total value of the projects is about 2.8 billion lei. The contribution of the National Regional and Local Development Fund will be 2.5 billion lei, and the rest of the amount is to be allocated from local budgets.

In total, after the implementation of the projects, more than 1 million citizens will benefit from better living conditions.


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