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Tougher penalties for illegal production of defense and public security service uniforms

14:23 | 21.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 21 /MOLDPRES/- Manufacturing and marketing of service uniforms of law enforcement bodies, outside public procurement procedures will be penalized. Government approved a decision to this effect today.

As a result, economic agents will be allowed to carry out the activity only on the basis of a public procurement contract, at the request of the authorities in the fields of defense, national security, public order and the penitentiary administration system.

Otherwise, private people will be fined from 1,000 to 4,000 lei, and responsible persons will be fined from 4,500 to 7,500 lei. At the same time, legal entities will pay between 5,500 and 8,000 lei, with deprivation of the right to carry out their activity for up to 5 months.



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