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Moldovan electoral body: five initiative groups for backing candidates for office of Moldova's president bring documents today

18:44 | 21.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - The members of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today received the documents for the registration of five initiative groups for the support of the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president.    

According to CEC, the following initiative groups today brought the set of documents: the initiative group set up by the Party of Development and Consolidation of Moldova for backing candidate Ion Chicu; the initiative group set up by citizens for the support of candidate Vasile Tarlev; the initiative group created by the Party of Socialists for backing candidate Alexandr Stoianoglo; the initiative group set up by the European Social Democratic Party for the support of candidate Valeriu Plesca; the initiative group set up by the TOGETHER Electoral Bloc for supporting candidate Octavian Ticu.        

CEC, on a period of three days after the documents’ reception, will consider their correctness and will decide on the registration or refusing the registration of the initiative groups.  

The first request of registration as participant in the republican constitutional referendum, due on 20 October 2024, was made today too. The application belongs to the Party of Communists from Moldova, which said that its option at the referendum, was ‘’NO’’.  

The period of submitting the applications for the registration of the initiative groups for backing the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president and of the participants in the republican constitutional referendum started today. The deadline for the submitting of the documents for the registration of the initiative groups is 31 August.    

CEC reiterates that the procedure of registration of candidates for the office of Moldova’s president unfolds on this period. The initiative groups are to collect signatures for the backing of candidates. The subscription lists must contain at least 15,000 and 25,000 signatures of supporters at the most, collected from at least a half of all second-level administrative and territorial units of Moldova. The second-level administrative and territorial units of Moldova where at least 600 signatures were collected will be regarded as conforming.    

The subscription lists with the signatures collected and the set of acts provided for by the Regulation on the peculiarities of nomination and registration of candidates for the office of Moldova’s president will be submitted to CEC for consideration till 20 September.   



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