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Moldova, Germany might sign agreement on migration

20:35 | 21.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova and Germany might sign an agreement on migration. President Maia Sandu and German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz have made statements to this effect at a joint news conference.   

Maia Sandu said the document was under preparation and the competent institutions were working on the last details. The head of state said that there was already a big community of Moldovans in Germany, who had found there the second home. The Moldovan president reiterated that she wanted the Diaspora to return home.  

The German chancellor noted that, at present ’’there are no unsolvable practical and strategic issues and this agreement will bring advantages to the citizens of both countries.’’  

Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz today pays a working visit to Moldova, at an invitation by head of state Maia Sandu.

Last time, Olaf Scholz visited Moldova on 1 June 2023, when he participated in the Summit of the European Political Community, held in Bulboaca.







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