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Chisinau Court of Appeal maintains Central Electoral Commission's decision on refusal to register Victorie-Pobeda electoral bloc

11:09 | 22.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - The magistrates of the Chisinau Court of Appeal have maintained the decision by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) on the refusal to register the electoral bloc Victorie-Pobeda (Victory).  

The bloc’s representatives said the decision would be appealed.

CEC on 7 August refused the application on the registration of the Victorie-Pobeda Electoral Bloc for the ballot due next autumn. The decision was backed by six members of the Commission. At that time, the CEC members said that, under the legislation, an electoral bloc with a name of the formation which is already registered cannot be registered. The Commission members informed that they would ask the National Integrity Authority to verify the wealth of some members of the bloc, who had not declared their properties.   

Also, the CEC members noted that the representatives of the Victorie-Pobeda bloc had not submitted information on the financing of the electoral campaign and who is the head of this formation.

The Victorie-Pobeda bloc was to be made up of four parties: Chance, Revival, Force of Alternative and Saving of Moldova, Victorie. Marina Tauber was put forward as executive secretary of the bloc.    



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