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Two social centres work in south Moldova village due to support of American nation through USAID

13:17 | 22.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - The positive impact of the partnership between U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Moldova and the people of Selemet village, southern Cimislia village, was celebrated in this settlement on 21 August, in the presence of USAID guests.    

„We were enthusiastic to see the Community Social Centre and the Multifunctional Cultural Centre, which were renovated within the partnership between the local public authorities and the My Community USAID Programme, implemented by IREX (International Research & Exchanges Board). The Community Social Centre is an important space for this settlement, providing warm meals and essential services (laundry, hairdressing, practical activities) of people from vulnerable families, people with disabilities, elderly people, as well as the community of Ukraine refugees who found shelter in Selemet. Here, the USAID investments contributed to the thermal insulation and enhancing the energy efficiency through the setting of 160 LED lamps,’’ USAID said.          

USAID, through the My Community Programme, provides support to the partner mayoralties for the implementation of the projects which have the goal to improve the quality of services provided to residents, as well as the living standards of the communities.  

The USAID investment in the Social Centre is of about 24,000 dollars and in the Multifunctional Cultural Centre – 120,000 dollars.







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