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Heat tariffs for Moldovan capital's residents halved last year

16:25 | 22.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 22 /MOLDPRES/- In 2023-2024, the price of a gigacacalorie of thermal energy delivered by Termoelectrica to consumers in Chisinau municipality decreased by about 50 percent or by 1,443 lei. Thus, the capital's residents currently pay 1,824 lei for a gigacalorie compared to 3,267 lei a year ago.

The price was lowered after Termoelectrica submitted several requests to the National Energy Regulatory Agency.

Termoelectrica said that the price change was possible both due to the fluctuation in the price of natural gas, used in the production of thermal energy, and as a result of efficient measures implemented by the company to optimize operational costs and increase energy efficiency.

The last change in the tariffs for thermal energy delivered by Termoelectrica was made by ANRE this July, when the prices decreased by about 15 percent.


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