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Moldovan, Romanian officials approach joint projects

14:21 | 23.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 23 /MOLDPRES/- Prospects of Moldovan-Romanian cooperation in tourism and opportunity to carry out joint projects to boost the development of the sector were discussed at a meeting between Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Romanian mayors, members of the National Association of Spa and Balneoclimatic Resorts in Romania, the government' communication department has reported.

The official emphasized the importance of the partnerships established between the local authorities of the two countries, noting that the experience of the Romanian side in developing communities according to the European model is valuable for Moldova.

"In our effort to build Europe at home, we need the support of our partners, good practices and guidance in the absorption of European funds. We are ready to strengthen the Moldovan-Romanian partnership in all key areas - the energy sector, the road infrastructure of our countries - and to boost cooperation to jointly develop the tourism sector," said Recean.

The meeting also focused on seaside and spa tourism, as well as  the possibility of extending the Romanian holiday voucher program to Moldova.




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