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National Congress of Romanian Historians to be organized in Chisinau, Suceava on 27-31 August

15:20 | 23.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - About 500 teachers, researchers and trainers for doctor’s degree from Moldova, Romania and other states will participate in the fourth edition of the National Congress of Romanian Historians (CNIR), due to be held in Chisinau and Suceava on 27-31 August.   

The event is set to open new opportunities of communication between representatives of the Romanian historiography, which come with good results of their work, as well as researchers who train and bring innovating ideas and are concerned about the access to the research infrastructure, financings and joint projects.     

The event will be held in Chisinau in 27 and 28 August and in Suceava on 29-31 August. The schedule of the event includes lectures in the plenum of the Congress, works in sections, discussions on diverse major subjects and book launches.   

About 500 participants of Moldova, Romania and from abroad are expected to take part in the works of the Congress.    

Representatives of Moldova’s Presidency and of Romania’s Presidential Administration, of the Education Ministries from the two countries, as well as local authorities will participate in the opening of CNIR in Chisinau.  

The congress is organized by the Moldovan State University (USM), along with the Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava (USV), Romanian Academy and the National Committee of Historians from Romania. Partners in the organization of CNIR and financers of the event are the Department for Relation for Moldova (DRRM), Education Ministry (Romania), Education and Research Ministry (Moldova) and the Mihai Eminescu Romanian Cultural Institute from Chisinau.   

On 28 August, an exhibition of photos made by Martin Rill will be inaugurated at the Palace of the Republic.  

The first three editions of CNIR were held in Cluj-Napoca (2016), Iasi (2018) and Alba-Iulia (2022).



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