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Moldova hosts World Arm-wrestling Championships

19:08 | 23.08.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova hosts the World Armwrestling and Para-armwrestling Championships 2024. After the first week of competition, Moldovan sportspeople won 11 medals.  

Till this phase of the competition, Alexei Sipilov (weight category of 85 kg) registered the best result at the armwrestling event. He became world champion among juniors and vice world champion at the left arm event.

At the juniors category, Tiberius Turcan (-55 kg) got two silver medals and Alina Iordachi (-70kg) and Dumitru Bulat (-90 kg) won bronze medals.

Sergiu Croitor (-100 kg) also won a bronze medal, at the category of seniors grand masters, for veterans.

Moldova also got two titles of world champion at the para-wrestling competition through Ion Buchili and Anton Nacu.

The competitions for seniors, during which Moldova will be represented by 15 sportspeople, will be held on 23 and 24 August.  

As many as 1,500 sportspeople from 61 countries participate in the World Armwrestling and Para-armwrestling 2024.   



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