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Health Centre from central Moldova village to receive new equipment

18:47 | 23.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Public Medical and Sanitary Institution Health Centre Hrusova from the central Criuleni district will be endowed with new equipment purchased with Japan’s support. Ambassador of Japan to Moldova  Yamada Yoichiro, along with the director of the Hrusova Heath Centre, Oxana Trocin, today signed a contract on grant worth 16,558 dollars.         

Microscopes, centrifuges, blood analyzers, biochemical analyzers, urine analyzers will be bought with the grant’s money.   

Oxana Trocin said that these devices were needed, in order to provide safer and quicker medical services to citizens. The Hrusova Health Centre provides medical services for three villages.   

Ambassador Yamada expressed gratitude to professionals from the health sector for the continuous efforts for the benefit of the society. Also, the diplomat referred to the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union. ‘’We want to congratulate Moldova for having started a travel towards a bright future,’’ the Japanese official said.    

The Kusanone programme of grants for human security was launched in Moldova in 2008. So far, Japan has provided non-refundable financing worth 7.3 million dollars for 89 projects in the fields of health, education and public utilities.  






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