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Moldovan electoral body registers 11 initiative groups for support of candidates for office of Moldova's president till today

16:54 | 23.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today received the documents for the registration of one more initiative group for the support of a candidate for the office of Moldova’s president. The request was made by the initiative group made up of citizens who support the candidacy of Victoria Furtuna.    

According to CEC, the institution has at its disposal 3 days after the reception of documents for considering their correctness and to issue a decision on the registration or refusal to register the initiative group.

CEC has received 11 files since the beginning of the period of registration of the initiative groups for the backing of candidates for the position of Moldova’s president.  

The period of files’ submission lasts till 31 August 2024.

On 20 October, Moldova’s citizens are expected to come to vote to elect the Moldovan president and give their opinion at the referendum.



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