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Moldovan electoral body accredits national observers for monitoring of 20 October 2024 elections

18:25 | 23.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC), at a today’s meeting, accredited four national observers on behalf of the Promo-LEX public association for the monitoring of the republican constitutional referendum and the presidential elections due on 20 October 2024.   

The CEC members authorized also the conducting of an opinion poll by the Life Wings Public Association. The opinion poll will be held in the northern Edinet district on 23 August - 10 September 2024, on an estimated sample of 1,500 residents, based on the face-to-face interview and online.    

Another opinion poll approved by CEC today will be carried out by INTELLECT GROUP Ltd Company on the period 30 August – 2 September 2024, on the entire territory of Moldova, on an approximate sample of 1,100 respondents, based on the face-to-face interview with computer’s use.   



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